Dave Weinbaum, of Jewish World Review, wrote a great piece on how Palin and Obama are polar opposites. It is a scary reality we have to deal with until Obama is out of office.
Recently Sarah Palin was seen holding the book "Liberty and Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto" by Mark R. Levin. Obama was pictured toting the tome, The Post-American World penned by Fareed Zakaria.
In a crossroads of American Politics, two paths have converged, one on the outside looking in and the other still in the Everest of power peaks. One is an eviscerated enigma to some and an outstanding leader and hero to others. The other is the President of the United States, whose popularity is vanishing before our eyes.
One volume expounds the wisdom of the founding fathers and the system they developed via the Constitution. It's what allowed America to shoot ahead of the rest of the stumbling fumblers of simmering or outright tyrannies.
The other prepares the reader (Obama) for a diminished third-rate USA which still is the most envied nation in the world. Barack's volume advocates our dependence on the whims of an anti-American UN. In fact, many of these countries openly threaten our demise and support terrorists who are actively seeking our mass murder. As our president tours the world apologizing for us, is he not preparing us for death of our country?
Time for America to taste the bitters of failures while those nations left behind by this hated democracy swing past, using the very same freedoms we once took pride in.
No fruit cup for us for the next 150 years.
Common sense is the antithesis of liberalism
Palin resides in a frontier state with great separation from the lower 48. Alaska is a hardy place, yet it bestows a bounty of energy along with nature's wonders.
Charges against Palin of being ignorant, dumb, a quitter, a ninny etc., come from the right as well. The problem is they don't compare her to the lightweight we now call Mr. President.
- Palin helps run a family-owned fishing business. Obama was a community organizer.
- She has gone against ethics violators in her own party. He relishes in the support of ACORN.
- She ran a city for two terms and a state as governor for two years. As a state senator and rookie US senator, all he's run is his mouth.
- She is a chooser of life and demonstrates as much in her own family. He threatens to destroy life because he doesn't want his daughters to be" … punished with a baby." Nor does he want a late-term abortion doctor to be embarrassed and mother tormented because said doc botched an abortion and the baby — soon to be murdered — accidentally lived.
- He backs a health system that doesn't cloak the euthanasia and suffering it'll cause senior citizens, while using taxpayer money to pay for aforementioned abortions. She favors reforms in the system thatcontinues the tradition of the best health care of any country in the world.
I can guarantee that if Sarah Palin was Steven Palin: father, mayor, governor, he wouldn't get a tenth of the personal attacks now launched against him and his daughters.
Move over Judge Sotomayor. One can only speculate how Palin would pick a Supreme Court Justice
It's rumored that at the conclusion of the WH beerfest with the Cambridge Three, if Professor Gates keeps his racist yap closed through tonight's wet T-shirt contest, Obama's agreed to pick him for his next Supreme Court Justice — if Minister Farrakhan or Reverend Wright are busy, that is.
Palin and the rest of us should wonder just how smart you have to be to pick racist Supreme Court Justices.
Seems Palin would and could do much better than Obama. At least in my book.