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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

(Video) Gov Sarah Palin To Media: Lack Of Obama Vetting "Coming Home To Roost"

With Barack Obama getting a rebuff on the world stage, losing a midterm election, and presiding over a floundering economy almost two years after implementing his stimulus policies, it may occur to some people now that electing a man with no executive, military, diplomatic, or private-sector experience at all might have been a teensy little mistake. How did the media let that slide? (Oh, come on, you know I know the answer!)  Sarah Palin chatted with KWHL’s Bob and Mark Show in Anchorage today to discuss the re-release of John Ziegler’s documentary How Obama Got Elected and her own travelogue series, and underscored how important its lessons are for participatory democracy to work properly and elect effective representation.  She tells Bob and Mark that the hagiographic coverage of Obama in 2007-8 is now “coming home to roost”:
"We know that Obama wasn’t vetted through the campaign, and now, you know, some things are coming home to roost, if you will, which is inexperience, his associations, and that ultimately harms our republic when a candidate isn’t — isn’t vetted by the media, that cornerstone of our democracy. So, you’re right, it’s not about me and whether you like my politics or not. You can push all that aside, and just pay attention to what that message is in this documentary, and that is that things have got to change for the better in the state of journalism. Otherwise, you know, it could be part of a demise of our democracy if that cornerstone erodes."
Fourteen months ago, I warned that the emerging theme of the Obama administration was incompetence.  That was entirely avoidable; had the media committed just half of the resources it committed to Wasilla for a VP candidate to the man at the top of the opposing ticket, perhaps voters might have thought twice about putting an untested legislative backbencher into the toughest executive position in the world.

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