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Friday, October 15, 2010

Gov Sarah Palin: Victory Rally In Anaheim, CA Saturday & Reno, NV Monday

Andrew Breitbart: This weekend I have the honor of sharing the stage with one of the Tea Party’s and Republican Party’s fearless leaders, Sarah Palin. Since her arrival on the national stage, the Democratic Party has recognized her potential as a political powerhouse and has worked in tandem with its partners in crime, the mainstream media, to wage an unprecedented personal campaign against her and her family. The Tea Party can relate. […]
As we head into the home stretch, Sarah Palin will be in California to draw attention to a state in economic shambles. After a generation of nanny-state and Ponzi scheme policies, Californians and Americans want a radical change. This is the Republican Party’s chance to win back one of the bluest states, and what better way to usher in that change than with a dynamic female leader like Sarah Palin cheering on fellow free market, limited government feminist success stories Meg Whitman and Carly Fiorina.
Michael Steele, “American Heart” singer/songwriter Jon David, other California GOP candidates and I will join Palin on stage to cheer on a new era of hope and change in the pursuit of helping California avert economic disaster.
I invite all of our readers to come down to have a rollicking and patriotic time. I’ll be hanging out to meet and greet one and all well after the bunting has been taken down.

Governor Palin is scheduled to speak at a Tea Party Express Rally Monday morning.
The 10am event is being held at the parking lot of the Washoe County Republican Headquarters located next to the Atlantis casino. The event is open to the public. 
Monday, October 18th @ 10:00 am
Rally Location:
3652 S Virginia St
Reno, NV 89502-6049

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