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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Sarah Palin & Glenn Beck Team Up

Former governor of Alaska and vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin will be in Tulsa next month as part of a concert featuring conservative talk show host Glenn Beck. 
It will be Palin's first official trip to Tulsa. Her most recent high-profile speech was earlier this month in Nashville at the national Tea Party Convention. 
The March 13 concert will also include appearances by country musicians John Rich and Gretchen Wilson. Tickets are available now for $45 to $125 plus fees. Author and commentator Dick Morris was originally scheduled to appear, but he will not be able to do so. 
About half of the 6,500 seats have already been sold, said Tony Holden, the event's organizer. 
Officials with the concert, which they call a "Taking Our Country Back Tour," made the announcement about Palin on Tuesday afternoon at the Tulsa Convention Center, where the performance will be held. Holden said the tour will continue from its kickoff in Tulsa to stop in cities throughout the country. Other conservative stars such as Sean Hannity and Laura Ingrahm will join later on. 
National television networks have expressed interest in airing Palin's speech, which will begin at about 1:30 p.m. The concert begins at noon and Beck's speech will be about 30 minutes into the program, Holden said. 
Palin is receiving a speaking fee, but it is "nothing major," Holden said.  National television networks have expressed interest in airing Palin's speech, which will begin at about 1:30 p.m. The concert begins at noon and Beck's speech will be about 30 minutes into the program, Sarah Palin is receiving a speaking fee, but it is "nothing major," Holden said. 
The tour is not officially part of the "Tea Party" movement, but supports and endorses the people involved in that organization.The concert March 13 will feature discussion of family values and the national deficit, among other topics, he said.  "Our biggest message to the U.S. government is please, please stop spending our money," he said. 
All the proceeds from the concert will go to a yet-to-be determined veterans' organization. Palin and Beck will be having one-on-one session with a few select people that offer charitable donations to the cause, Holden said. 
The concert space will have large video screens to broadcast the show, and Palin may spend some of her time answering questions from the audience, This is a chance for Tulsa to rally," he said. "And I've never been prouder of something in my life." 
To purchase tickets, visit


1 comment:

  1. Forgive me if this comment is a bit off topic, but I feel that the widespread ridiculing of Sarah Palin and her family has gone way too far, and particularly in the instance of one very grotesque and obscene individual. This individual goes by the AOL screen name of lilTrigPalin and e-mail address in an attempt to mock and belittle Sarah Palin's beautiful child who happens to have Down Syndrome. This sad, reprehensible person populates AOL chat rooms Life - Bible Fellowship, Life - Bible Fellowship 1, and Life - Beliefs Christian, with screen names lilTrigPalin and HooverMeCheney and is relentless in their dissemination of disgusting, hateful attacks against Sarah and her family. You can report them to AOL terms of service at . That is all I have to say. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.


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